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Završna reč

Pet dana, pet potpuno različitih programa, preko 39.600 broj odgledanih sadržaja na Facebook-u, preko 8100 na YouTube-u, 600 novih pratilaca na facebook-u, 500 na Instagramu i 645 na YouTube-u i, što je najbolje, brojke i dalje rastu! Zaista je teško ne biti ponosan ovih dana!

Kada bismo rekli da nismo imali tremu slagali bismo. Bio je veliki izazov raditi nešto sa čime nemamo nikakvog iskustva i organizovati festival po prvi put na ovaj način. Svi vi divni ljudi koji ste nas ispratili u prethodnih pet dana i slali nam reči podrške, zaslužni ste i više nego mi koji smo se trudili da sve ovo organizujemo što bolje, jer šta je festival bez publike? A publike je bilo bukvalno sa svih meridijana.

Na kraju nam ostaje jedino da kažemo jedno ogromno HVALA!

Hvala publici, ljudima iz Valjeva i ostalih gradova, kao i ljudima iz drugih zemalja koji su ispratili naš program, zbog vas sve ima smisla i obećavamo da ćemo se ubuduće truditi još snažnije da ovaj festival podignemo na nivo na kojem on zaslužuje da bude.

Hvala Ivani Ratković, Zoranu Đorđeviću i Miroslavu Trifunoviću što ste nam naterali suze na oči i osmeh na lice predivnom pričom o našem Dr. Voji, ostaje žal jedino što je film mnogo kratka forma da se ispriča sve što taj čovek zaslužuje da bude ispričano o njemu.

Hvala Jovanu Maljokoviću što i dalje nastavlja da se daje za festival i grad koji nije baš uvek imao korektan i fer odnos prema njemu, iznova nas učite šta znači biti čovek i hvala Vam na podršci, mnogo nam je bitno da znamo da nismo izneverili ideje na kojima je ovaj festival građen.

Hvala Sašo Popovski, Viktor Filipovski, Ivan Bejkov i celom Makedonskom narodu na neverovatnoj muzici i emocijama odaslatim u Srbiju a odatle i u svet, znate da ćemo zauvek biti prijatelji.

Hvala Tula Ben Ari, Gadi Stern, David Michaeli, Matan Asayag, Tirza Bar Chaim, Irit Sternlich i celokupnoj publici u Izraelu koji su se potrudili da Valjevo Jazz Fest promovišu na najbolji moguć način, ljubav koju ste nam poslali biće uzvraćena, čekamo vas u Valjevu.

Hvala divnim učenicima Valjevske gimnazije, još jednom ste nam pokazali kako se predstavlja institucija vredna renomea vaše i naše škole, entuzijazam i trud vam nećemo zaboraviti, trudićemo se da naučimo što više od vas.

Hvala studentima Jazz odseka Muzičke Akademije u Beogradu, trebalo je hrabrosti i volje usred ispita upustiti se u avanturu sa nama, koji prvi nismo jasno znali šta hoćemo od vas, sva sreća vi jeste.

Hvala Vladimiru Cvejiću, Dragutinu Čuliću i Petru Niniću. Vi ste ljudi od pera i britke reči, vama je nezahvalno pisati išta, stoga, naklon do poda!

Hvala valjevskim muzičarima Miloradu Filipoviću, Damjanu Andriću, Zoranu Siriškom, Draganu Ristovskom, Lazaru Avramoviću, Zoranu Laziću, Cvijetinu Trifunoviću, Anđelki Simić, bendu „Mehanički Balet“ i svima koji su usred pandemije i masovnog otkazivanja učešća zbog bolesti ipak odvojili vreme da dođu i snime materijal u Kulturnom centru u Mionici. Oćekujte uskoro koncert Mehaničkog Baleta na našem kanalu.

Hvala Peđi Bojoviću, Marku Gveru, Andriji Daničiću, Marku Louisu, Osmanu Ahmedu, Kay Joe-u na podršci festivalu i što su svoje ime, umeće i kredibilitet pozajmili u promotivne svrhe festivala. Zauvek ste prijatelji istog i dobrodošli u Valjevo.

Hvala Kulturnom Centru Mionica što su velikodušno otvorili svoja vrata i učinili da se Valjevo Jazz Fest dogodi onda kada se činilo da rešenja nema.

Hvala pokroviteljima festivala Gradu Valjevu, Ministarstvu kulture i informianja RS i SOKOJ-u, što su imali razumevanja i izdvojii sredstva u ovoj kriznoj situaciji. Vredelo je, nadamo se.

Hvala sponzorima festivala i Valjevska pivara, GATE, Bosis, Aqua Gala, JKP Vidrak Valjevo, Elegant Valjevo, BID zona Valjevo.

Hvala svim medijima koji su pomogli da kvalitetna muzika i preko nam potrebna JazzVAkcina stigne do što većeg broja ljudi, televizija, Televizija Valjevo Plus, Rtv Marsh, Napred, Radio Valjevo, Ugradu.info, Valjevskaposla, Patak Vujić Online, Vamedia, Kolubarske.rs, DDL, Srbija Danas, nadamo se i ubuduće sjajnoj saradnji.

Svi zajedno i svi za Jazz!

Savet Valjevo Jazz Festa


Prota Mateja Nenadović

Sve sadržaje #JazzVAkcine možete pogledati na Youtube kanalu Valjevo Jazz festa na vreme klikom OVDE


Final word

Five days, five completely different programmes, over 39 600 viewed contents on facebook, over 8100 on YouTube, 600 new followers on Facebook, 500 on Instagram and 645 on YouTube and the best thing about it is that numbers still grow every day! It’s really hard not to be proud these days!

If we said that we weren’t nervous about all of this we would lie. It was a hughe challenge to do something that we are not experienced with and to organize the festival for the first time in this way. But all of you wonderful people who followed us in past five days and who have sent us words of encouragement and support deserve more credit than us who tried to organize this as well as we could because what’s the festival without the audience? And the audience was there literally from all around the globe.

At the end all there is left to do is to say an enormousTHANK YOU!

Thanks to the audience, people from Valjevo and other cities and people from all countries who watched our program; because of you this all makes sence and we promise that we will try harder to lift this festival to the level at which it deserves to be in the future.

Thanks to Ivana Ratković, Zoran Đorđević and Miroslav Trifunović for making us cry and putting a smile on our faces with a beautiful story about our Dr. Voja. The only sad thing about it is that the movie is a too short form to say everything that deserves to be said about this great man.

Thanks to Jovan Maljoković for giving himself countinuosly to this festival and this town which didn’t always treat him well and in a fair manner. You teach us what it means to be a great man again and again and thank you for your support, it means a lot to us to know that we didn’t betray the basic ideas on which this festival was built.

Thanks to Sašo Popovski, Viktor Filipovski, Ivan Bejkov and to all Macedonian people for great music and emotions sent towards Serbia and to the rest of the world, you know that we will always be friends.

Thanks to Tula Ben Ari, Gadi Stern, David Michaeli, Matan Asayag, Tirza Bar Chaim, Irit Sternlich and all of the audience back in Israel who did a great job of promoting Valjevo Jazz Fest in the best possible way. The love you have sent us will be returned. We are awaiting you in Valjevo.

Thanks to the wonderful students of Valjevo Grammar school. Once again you showed us how one should represent the institution of such high reputation like your and our school truly is, your enthuiasm and effort will not be forgotten and we promise to try hard to learn from you as much as we can.

Thanks to the students of Jazz department of Music Academy in Belgrade, it’s a brave thing to embark on an adventure with us in the middle of the examination period, especially that we didn’t know what is the exact thing we want you to do, but luckily you did.

Thanks to Vladimir Cvejić, Dragutin Čulić and Petar Ninić. You are the men of writing and a sharp word, it is unrewarding to write anything to you, so we bow to the floor in front of you!

Hvala valjevskim muzičarima Miloradu Filipoviću, Damjanu Andriću, Zoranu Siriškom, Draganu Ristovskom, Lazaru Avramoviću, Zoranu Laziću, Cvijetinu Trifunoviću, Anđelki Simić, bendu „Mehanički Balet“ i svima koji su usred pandemije i masovnog otkazivanja učešća zbog bolesti ipak odvojili vreme da dođu i snime materijal u Kulturnom centru u Mionici. Oćekujte uskoro koncert Mehaničkog Baleta na našem kanalu.Thanks to Valjevo musicians Milorad Filipović, Damjan Andrić, Zoran Siriški, Dragan Ristovski, Lazar Avramović, Zoran Lazić, Cvijetin Trifunović, Anđelka Simić and Band„Mehanički Balet“ and everybody who spared their time and came to Culture Center of Mionica to record the program in the middle of the pandemic and mass cancellations due to it. The concert of „Mehanički balet“ is to be expected soon on our channel.

Thanks to Marko Gvero, Andrija Daničić, Marko Louis, Osman Ahmed, Kay Joe for the support and for putting their name, skills and credibility for the purpose of promoting the festival. You are the friends of the festival forever and you are always welcome in Valjevo.

Thanks to Culture Center of Mionica for generously opening their door for us and making Valjevo Jazz Fest happen when it seemed that there were no solutions.

Thanks to the City of Valjevo, Ministry of Culture RS and SOKOJ organization for approving the budget in this situation. We hope it was worth.

Thanks to festival sponsors Valjevska pivara, GATE, Bosis, Aqua Gala, JKP Vidrak Valjevo, Elegant Valjevo, BID zona Valjevo.

Thanks to all the media that helped good music and highly needed JazzVAccine find it’s way to many people, Televizija Valjevo Plus, Rtv Marsh, Napred, Radio Valjevo, Ugradu.info, Valjevskaposla, Patak Vujić Online, Vamedia, Kolubarske.rs, DDL, Srbija Danas, we hope that we’ll continue our great collaboration in future.

All together and all for Jazz!

Organization board of Valjevo Jazz Fest